Which Language Is Better for Machine Learning: Python or JavaScript? - JSON Viewer

Which Language Is Better for Machine Learning: Python or JavaScript?


In recent years, machine learning has become incredibly popular as a potent tool for resolving complicated issues in a variety of industries. 

Python is regarded as the programming language of choice for data scientists and machine learning specialists when it comes to machine learning. 

The most widely used online programming language, JavaScript, has made progress in the field of machine learning, nevertheless. We will contrast JavaScript and Python for machine learning in this article and look at each language’s benefits and drawbacks.

Syntax and Readability

Python places a strong emphasis on simplicity and readability. It is simple to read and comprehend since code chunks are indicated by indentation. 

Contrarily, JavaScript syntax can be more difficult to comprehend and grasp due to the increased use of parentheses and curly brackets. Here is some Python code that calculates the Fibonacci sequence as an illustration:

def fibonacci(n):
   if n <= 1:
       return n
       return (fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2))

Here’s the same code in JavaScript:

function fibonacci(n) {
 if (n <= 1) {
   return n;
 } else {
   return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

Libraries and Tools

Python includes a robust ecosystem of machine learning libraries and tools, including TensorFlow, NumPy, and Pandas. Machine learning models are simple to create thanks to the pre-built algorithms and data structures provided by these libraries. 

Contrarily, JavaScript contains less machine learning frameworks and tools, with TensorFlow.js being the most well-known. 

The ability of JavaScript to run on web browsers, however, is a huge benefit that enables the creation of web-based Machine Learning applications.


Python’s interpreted nature causes its performance to be generally slower than JavaScript. Nonetheless, Python is quicker than JavaScript for many Machine Learning workloads because its libraries and tools are performance-optimised. 

Contrarily, JavaScript performs better because of its just-in-time (JIT) compilation and capacity to utilise multiple cores. It doesn’t, however, have Python modules for machine learning optimised for it.

Learning Curve

Python has a straightforward learning curve, which makes it simple for beginners to begin using machine learning. Its simple syntax and readability make it simple to comprehend, and its robust ecosystem of libraries and tools offers a wealth of learning resources. 

JavaScript, on the other hand, has a more difficult learning curve, particularly for newcomers without any prior programming knowledge. It has fewer libraries and machine learning tools, and its syntax can be more difficult.

Data Manipulation

Python is often regarded as the preferred language for handling data manipulation and analysis, with packages like Pandas and NumPy offering effective methods for managing massive data sets. 

JavaScript, on the other hand, lacks built-in data structures like Pandas DataFrames and has limited data manipulation capabilities.

Deployment and Scalability

Due to its scalability and ease of deployment, Python is a popular choice for implementing Machine Learning models in production contexts. Building web-based Machine Learning applications is made simple by Python’s frameworks, like Flask and Django. 

JavaScript, on the other hand, excels in creating client-side Machine Learning applications because it can run in web browsers. JavaScript, however, lacks Python’s scalability and deployment choices.

Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript and Python for Machine Learning

JavaScript Advantages

  • compatibility with web browsers
  • improved performance as a result of JIT compilation
  • Suitable for applications utilising client-side machine learning
  • simple incorporation of web technologies
  • is helpful for creating interactive infographics


  • Machine learning tools and libraries are few.
  • incline learning curve
  • limited ability to manipulate data
  • Unsuitable for CPU-demanding jobs



  • Rich ecosystem of machine learning libraries and tools
  • Simple to read and comprehend syntax
  • good for analysing and manipulating data
  • Scalable and simple to implement in commercial settings
  • suitable for CPU-demanding jobs


  • performance that is slower than JavaScript
  • Not as suitable for client-side Machine Learning applications.
  • more verbose than other languages at times
  • less front-end web technologies are supported


In conclusion, Python and JavaScript each have advantages and disadvantages in terms of machine learning. Python is the obvious choice for CPU-intensive workloads since it offers a more robust ecosystem of libraries and tools made expressly for machine learning.

 Contrarily, JavaScript has a distinct edge when it comes to running on web browsers, which makes it the perfect choice for client-side Machine Learning applications and interactive visualisations.

 In the end, the language you choose will rely on the precise specifications of your project and the level of experience on your team. 

Python may be a better option for CPU-intensive operations and data manipulation while JavaScript may be a better option if you’re developing a web-based machine learning application.